Thursday, June 6, 2019

Who Wants to Train Your Brain to Eat Less?

Who Else Wants to Train Your Brain to Eat Less?
You’re going along sticking to your diet when suddenly you hit a bump in the road.
Maybe you skip breakfast and wind up eating a double bacon cheeseburger for lunch
because you’re so hungry. Maybe you enjoy healthy dinners, but you snack on potato
chips afterwards because your stomach is rumbling.
Managing your weight is easier when you can control your appetite. Even if you’re a
healthy size now, your body will slow down as you grow older. That means you’re
liable to gain excess pounds just by eating the same amount as usual.
Remember that hunger starts in your brain and so does the solution.
Try these tips for training yourself to eat less.
Changing What You Eat:
1. Consume more fiber. Foods rich in fiber fill you up faster partly because they
tend to be bulky and take longer to chew. As a bonus, they’re often highly
nutritious and reduce your risk for many serious health conditions. Good
choices include most vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
2. Increase your protein. Protein also discourages hunger, and it helps you
conserve muscle mass. Muscles burn more calories than fat. Spread your
protein out in each meal and snack so your body can use it effectively. Choose
lean sources like low-fat Greek yogurt and most seafood.
3. Drink water. Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger. Drinking a glass or two

water before meals may help you to reduce your portion sizes.
4. Choose solid calories. Fancy coffee drinks and cocktails make it easy to down
600 calories or more before your brain knows what happened. Food you chew
gives your brain more time to feel full.
5. Serve soup. However, the liquid in soup is a different matter, because the high
water content suppresses your appetite. Settle down with a bowl of minestrone
on a cold winter day.
6. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Using zero-calorie sweeteners can backfire.
Scientists believe they prime your brain to want to eat more because they’re
hundreds of times sweeter than sugar.
Changing How You Eat:
1. Act mindfully. Slow down and savor your food. You’ll digest it more completely,
and you’ll probably eat less.
2. Buy smaller plates. Several studies confirm that food looks and feels more
abundant when you place it on a smaller serving piece. It’s a simple way to
have your cake and eat lighter too.
3. Sleep well. One of the reasons why a lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight
is because you’re disrupting the hormones that regulate hunger. Get enough
sleep. Ensure that you’re sleeping well, too. Go to bed and get up at the same
time each day. Keep your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible.
4. Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help regulate your appetite in addition
to burning calories and relieving stress. It’s a powerful combination for anyone
who wants to make staying fit more pleasant.
5. Whittle your waist. The fat that accumulates around the midsection is
especially harmful, raising the risk for heart conditions, diabetes, and certain
cancers. There is also some evidence that it stimulates hunger hormones and
the accumulation of fat. Focus some of your activities on waist-trimming
6. Seek support. The most effective fitness plans incorporate social support. Let
your family and friends know that you want to eat less and tell them how they
can help you. For example, find some lunch companions whose eating habits
will reinforce your healthy intentions.
It is possible to eat less and still enjoy delicious food. Small changes in the way you
eat add up to a big difference. Find the habits that work for you to satisfy your
hunger with fewer calories.   Your brain and body will adjust to and benefit from these healthy changes.


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  3. I have read your post This is very nice and informative blog . Thank you for sharing such like of information.

  4. Hello Everyone hope all fine.! This post is very helpful to everyone because most people have gained too much fat and calories is too bad for everyone sometimes your bad fat is effective on your face skin because if you have bad fat so it means your face reduce too much acne and pimple if you want to get rid of your pimple or acne you must need a good skincare product. The best skincare products give you the best skin but there is a problem if you want good skin so you away from unhealthy foods.


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