Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Podcast For The Weight Plateau


This inability to lose weight is known as a weight loss plateau or stall, and it can be frustrating and discouraging.

  your weight loss progress stalled for reasons you can’t figure out, the feeling then becomes one of discouragement. you have feelings of being stuck and unmotivated. So many people hit a plateau after successful weight loss. When that happens, it can be just the excuse some need to give up and go back to the days of fast food and opting for the couch instead of the great outdoors. I know because I’ve been there


 It’s Time To Make A Change (Tip Below)

Here's Today's Tip... Boost your metabolism.
Today I want to share a “neat” little trick that can help boost your metabolism and increase your calorie burn.
Many folks who are trying to lose fat tend to think that they’re “cursed” with a slow, sluggish metabolism; on the other hand, they might think that lean individuals are just born that way—they’re “blessed” with a fast metabolism.
While it’s true that metabolism is influenced by genetics, the great news is that there are a number of factors—well within your control—that you can use to your advantage to help boost your metabolic rate. One of them is the “neat” trick that I mentioned earlier.
You see, NEAT refers to a component of metabolic rate called “non-exercise activity thermogenesis.” As the name suggests, NEAT encompasses the number of calories burned during all daily movement and activities (except formal exercise).
In one study published in the journal Science, a Mayo Clinic research team led by endocrinologist Dr. James Levine examined the role of NEAT in weight management. Astonishingly, the researchers found, on average, obese folks sit for 2 ½ hours longer (each day) than lean individuals, who spend an equivalent amount of time upright (moving around) daily.
What does these mean in terms of metabolism and weight loss? According to Dr. Levine, “If obese individuals adopted the NEAT-enhanced behaviors of their lean counterparts, they might expend an additional 350 calories per day.” That’s a pound of fat in just 10 days!
Use this NEAT metabolism-boosting weapon to your advantage by including more of the following activities:
  • Standing more throughout the day (e.g., stand-up desk)
  • Taking the stairs
  • Parking further away (at the store) and walking
  • Being active with kids
  • Taking your dog for a walk
  • Doing chores
  • Doing some bodyweight exercises
  • Fidgeting
To Burning Those Calories,
Change That Up

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 Today's Lifestyle Tip
Healthy habits do get easier
With time and regular reinforcement, your new healthy behaviors will become habits. Eventually you'll know how to identify healthy foods, how many servings a day meet your needs and what makes a single serving. You'll look forward to physical activity that's a routine part of your day. Be patient — you're on your way to maintaining a healthy weight for life.
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1 comment:

  1. Another justifying factor for the price increase, however, was the fact that since each alcoholic drink will cost more, Canadians will be more inclined to drink lower-alcohol products such as beer and wine. checkers low carb
